Product Risk Assessment on e-liquid

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Product (Tox) Risk Assessment on E-Liquids

Learn about our Product Risk Assessment software which provides you with a detailed Product Toxicological Risk Assessment (TRA) on unlimited e-liquid formulations.

This essential software – made specially for e-liquid formulations – helps vape businesses meet regulatory standards by identifying and evaluating potential toxicological risks in e-liquids.

What is a Product Risk Assessment on an E-liquid?

A Product Risk Assessment, also known as a Toxicological Risk Assessment (TRA), involves screening for banned ingredients and evaluating the ingredients for potential toxicological risks through inhalation. This process is critical for ensuring that your product complies with the latest industry regulations, including the MHRA regulations, and Tobacco Products Directive (TPD).

How to Do a Risk Assessment on an E-liquid

Performing a risk assessment on an e-liquid involves several key steps:

  1. Ingredient Analysis – Review each ingredient, including flavourings, and additives.
  2. Toxicological Evaluation – Analyse the toxicological data available for each component, with a special focus on inhalation toxicity.
  3. Exposure Assessment – Estimate consumer exposure to potentially harmful substances during use.
  4. Risk Characterisation – Combine toxicological data with exposure estimates to assess the overall health risk.

Our expert toxicologists will guide you through the process, ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies and minimising risks for consumers.

Why perform a risk assessment?

According to the UK guideline for vape manufacturers PAS 7050:2024:

“A safety assessment should be completed on a product before it is placed on the market.”

A toxicological risk assessment is part of a safety assessment. PAS 7050:2024 “Bringing safe products to the market – Code of practice” gives an outline of manufacturing and quality standards for general products but it relates to vape products also. It is not an UK Standard and will be withdrawn once an official Standard is published.

Other UK guidelines on the quality management of vape products is the PAS 8855:2024 Vaping products and vaping devices. Quality, safety and performance. Specification

Special Features of Our Product Risk Assessment

Incorporates Vape Regulatory Standards
Our risk assessments are aligned with the latest TPD and MHRA regulations, ensuring your products meet compliance requirements in the UK and EU.

Latest Inhalation Toxicology
We stay ahead of industry by using the latest inhalation toxicology data to provide the most accurate risk assessments.

Validated by Expert Toxicologist
Our risk assessments are validated by an experienced toxicologist with extensive expertise in e-liquid safety and regulations.

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Pricing Packages

We offer flexible packages to fit your business needs:

  1. Lite Package
    Includes a basic risk assessment, with a summary report and compliance check – ideal for small-scale or early-stage businesses.
  2. Standard Package
    A more detailed risk assessment, with an in-depth toxicological review and risk characterisation. Suitable for mid-sized brands.
  3. Expert Package
    A deep-dive risk assessment, using latest inhalation toxicology with a regulatory consultation. Best for large or complex product lines.

Why Choose Us?

With nearly 10 years of experience working with vape industry regulations, we are a trusted authority on TPD compliance and e-liquid manufacturing standards. Our deep understanding of the industry, combined with expert toxicological support, gives our clients the confidence that they are receiving toxicological support at the highest standard.

Get in Touch

Want to learn more about our TRA software? Book a live demo with us to see firsthand how our Product Risk Assessment can be tailored to your needs. Our experts are ready to guide you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have.

Reach out today and book a live demonstration.