EU TPD Regulation Video Guides

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EU TPD Regulation Course Online

Update: Get personalised and on-site or remote training via our TPD Training Days. Scroll down to learn more.

Are you considering starting a business in the UK or EU but have questions about regulation? Do you want to know how to build and submit a TPD notification or want to learn about TPD testing?

Watch our online regulation course to learn about:

  • EU TPD registration process
  • TPD emission testing requirements
  • How to build and submit a TPD notifications
  • Submitting annual sales data
  • Making edits in bulk (modifying XML in backend)

EU TPD regulation

E-cigarettes and e-liquids are required to comply with vape regulation before placing on the market – that means 1) an emission test by an experienced lab 2) submission of a notification to the authorities.

Learn to launch a vape product

When it comes to vape regulation we know there’s a lot to learn which can be difficult to take in all at once. That’s why we made the online vape regulation course: it will help you to understand what you need to do to launch a product in the EU.

Who this course is for

Any business looking to manufacturer or market e-cigarettes or e-liquids in the EU.

Watch a preview

Watch a preview here


Do you provide on going support after the course?

Yes – we provide reasonable text support following the course to answer any technical questions you might have.

Looking for something more personalised and on-site?

We offer personalised, on-site training with TPD Training Days where we adapt the course to your unique requirements.

About TPD Training Days

TPD Training Days is on-site or remote training tailored to your requirements.

On-site Training Packages

With our on-site training package, we visit you at your offices to provide face-to-face training. We can train any number of your staff on EU TPD & MHRA regulation and testing at an address of your choice.

Remote Training Packages

Do you require training for multiple staff across different sites or continents? No problem. We can arrange a TPD Training Day via Teams or Zoom to help get your staff up and running with TPD notification fast.

Contact us today

Get in touch to learn about our personalised, on-site and remote training days.