Vape: UK study into economic impact of policy and vaping behaviours

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14 March 2024 - 10:50, by , in E-liquid & E-cigarette, News, Comments off

The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has investigated the UK’s vaping market to understand the economic impact of policy and vaping behaviours. This study, which is an update to research in 2016, was to equip HMRC with data to navigate potential policy shifts that affect vaping.

What did the study entail?

The study undertaken by research company, Ipsos, involved in-depth interviews with vapers and vape businesses and surveys of thousands of vapers and smokers.

What did the study find?

The Ipos study found the following:

  • Approximately 12% of UK adults are current vapers, with higher usage among people aged 18-24 and those from less affluent groups.
  • Among current vapers, 54% primarily use reusable vape products, while 43% prefer disposables, with younger users tending towards disposables.
  • Disposable vape users often buy from local shops for convenience, whereas reusable vape users prefer online retailers for a specific selection.
  • Vaping is predominantly seen as a smoking alternative, with 53% of vapers having quit smoking and 59% of smokers who vape reporting reduced tobacco use.
  • Only 4% of non-vaping smokers plan to start vaping, indicating potential slow growth in the vaping market as a smoking alternative.
  • Health benefits are a major motivation for vaping (37%), but concerns about counterfeit products impact some users’ consumption.
  • Social and enjoyment reasons are key for disposable vape users, with 26% starting to vape without previous smoking experience.
  • Price increases impact vaping habits; a significant price hike could reduce consumption among current vapers.
  • Current vapers have low awareness of vaping regulations but anticipate and support increased regulation, especially concerning product safety and underage usage.
  • Retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers advocate for better enforcement of existing laws to limit the illicit vape market, emphasizing trust and responsible selling.

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