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23 January 2023 - 10:15, by , in Cosmetics, News, Comments off
On review of ingredients, important changes to Annexes of the UK Cosmetics Regulation are expected in 2023. The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) announced last year some cosmetic ingredients face a complete ban while others attract new restrictions. Let’s look into what those upcoming changes are. How did these changes come about? The...
10 January 2023 - 20:17, by , in E-liquid & E-cigarette, News, Comments off
The Dutch agency is another in a string of EU agencies to ban the sale of flavoured e-cigarettes. Flavours are key in attracting smokers to quit combustable cigarettes. Over the years, a wide variety of flavours have successfully enticed long time smokers to switch to the safer alternative. New research into youth vaping Citing new...
4 November 2022 - 8:56, by , in News, Comments off
Do you have something you want to promote? Maybe you’re launching a new service or product? We are looking for a business to appear in our next blog post. If you run one of the following businesses we want to hear from you: Cosmetic CBD Vape Sanitiser Other?  Along with promotion of your business, we...
27 October 2022 - 12:43, by , in Cosmetics, Comments off
With global supply chains in disarray and rising inflation, cosmetic ingredient suppliers are under pressure to take a fresh look at what ingredients to supply and their sources. If you’ve found yourself in a position where your existing supplier no longer supplies a base ingredient, fragrance or colourant then what do you do? Here’s our...
10 October 2022 - 14:51, by , in Cosmetics, Comments off
So you’re starting your own make-up line and want to know the costs of starting a cosmetics business in terms of regulation and testing. This is possibly one of the most common enquiries we receive. To approach the question: How much does it cost to start a make-up line? We have broken the list down...